E.ON tWEx 2022 - together WE x
In co-creation with the European energy group E.ON, circ designed a new format for the management event against the backdrop of the geopolitical crisis.
Despite difficult conditions, 400 participants came together for 2.5 days in Berlin. In line with the credo "Culture can be changed by 'doing' something concretely different", tWEx 2022 set new standards in the areas of event formats, participation, communication and gamification.
Inspiring personalities such as a former German Foreign Minister and a co-founder of Zalando accompanied the events and discussed geopolitical and economic issues with the audience. Based on a digital gamification concept, the participants were able to experience E.ON's lighthouse projects interactively and playfully in an exhibition. In teams, they faced various challenges and collected points to win the game.
Finally, the participants were surprised with a concert by the ADDA Symphony Orchestra consisting of 75 soloists and conducted by maestro Josep Vicent in one of the largest recording studios in Europe. In a creative exchange, the conductor and CEO of E.ON SE discussed what the art of leadership means and constitutes.